Man Fuk China ! ease with laughter !!

(here's_all_free_4_a(ever))) is t' _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//let ~Man~Fuk~China~ 100% legally , all in accordance w/ China’s law !!………details pl's click "faq" !!………y not share laughters-o'-China 2 ease current depressions ???,) ………^the best tool ===>>> & , i.e. = the alt kind o' ***T}shirt{*** fashion !!……… + `call_forwardable`

Man Fuk China ! China asks 4 that 100% officially & legally[bound] !!

July 22, 2012 @ 8:11 am
@ hk[hongKong],China , there ^is a road , .
where it's all_officially_&_legally..."Man-Fuk-Road" 

i emphasize – it’s China themselves , its their words 100% ,

not photoshop’d , not  in any part o’ America , not even SanFrancisco !,)

even  San Francisco can not do it !!,)))

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//instigate//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China 2 ease current depressions,

y not ?,)

Man_Fuk_Road’s records @ hk’s government ::

… … … … 

 … … …

Man_Fuk_Road’s images – essense 1.::

}}} ^the wikipedia‘s photo , is just 2//too large 4 here {{{

… … … …

Man_Fuk_Road’s images – essense 2.::

1458535100_5ae2dc7082.jpg (500×375)

^the “Man” @ above photo , stands for –

civil , civil., culture , language , writing , etc … @ Chinese lang.

evidence :: …

… … … …

^the “Fuk” @ above photo , stands for –

fortune//fortunate//bless//blessing//etc @ Chinese lang.

evidence:: …

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//incite//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions,

y not ?,)

some-things more FUNNIER ::

>>> warning – if u have n’o[nO] time , pls read n’o further !! <<<↘ ↘ ↘


YWCA [ Young Women’s Christian Association ] 

does also have a hotel @ there for Man Fuk [_Man_Fuk_Road_] ,

^the hotel ‘s called – The Anne Black – YWCA 

The Anne Black- YWCA – Cache

 – Address, :

The Anne Black – YWCA, 5 Man Fuk RoadKowloon, Hong Kong. 

Tel, : (852) 2713 9211.

Fax, : (852) 2761 1269.

E-mail, : 

… … … … 

please let me to summarise the just_above ::

the Christian_women’s association …

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly located @ such a real Man Fuk address

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly containing many a     “Man Fuk” phrase

            @ their own website & all other all_official documents , e.g. – letter_heads

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//instigate//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions,

y not ?,)


Catholic_ism does have a Holy Spirit Mass Centre 

found itself @ there for MAN FUK [_MAN_FUK_ROAD_] ↘

99 – HK Catholic Church Directory Online – Catholic Diocese o… – Cache – 

Holy Spirit Mass Centre 

Address: Man Fuk Road, Waterloo Hill, Homantin, Kowloon. 

Tel: 2714-3758.

Map Here Holy Spirit Mass Centre (Map Source: Google Map


}}} t’//the nationnal dialing-code o’ hk,China = 852 {{{

}}} thus , if u dial its # from outside o’ hk , pls dial 85227143758,etc {{{

… … … …

thence , there’s a joke ::

Catholic_ism seem to like to hold Holy_Spirit_masses @ a road …

where Man Fuk !!’)

;-)… … … … 

please let me to summarise ^the just_above ::

the Catholic association …

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly located @ such a real Man Fuk address

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly containing many a     “Man Fuk” phrase

            @ their own website & all other all_official documents , e.g. – letter_heads

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//instigate//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions,

y not ?,)

余振強紀念中學Yu Chun Keung Memorial College – Cache 

地址, :, 九龍窩打老道山文福道27號. 

Address, :, 27 Man Fuk RoadWaterloo Hill, Kowloon. 

電話號碼Telephone, :, 2714-4161.

傳真號碼Fax, :, 2760-1488 


}}} t’//the nationnal dialing-code o’ hk,China = 852 {{{

}}} so if u dial its # from outside o’ hk , pls dial 85227143758,etc {{{

… … … …

its records @ hk’s government ::

… … … …

thence , there’s a joke :: very literally ,

the Catholic-school need their pupils to have Man Fuk Road daily

in order to go back to it every-day !’));-)

… … … …

please let me to summarise the just-above ::

the Catholic school …

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly located @ such a real Man Fuk address

– ^is all_officially_&_legally_&_publickly containing many a     “Man Fuk” phrase 

            @ their own website & all other all_official documents , e.g. – letter_heads

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//instigate//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions,

y not ?,)

by the way ,

Man Fuk Road … is in a China’s tip_top riches’-residence-area

===>>> ho man tin

FUNNIEST :: Man Fuk xxx & Man Fuk zzz @ China ::↘>>> warning – if u have n’o[nO] time , pls read n’o further !! <<<↘

on an other hand , in hk,China , 

there ^are many many just too many a “Man Fuk” ,


there ^is many a Chinese human[_incl – ladies_] & thing & building ,

who is all_officially_&_legally[_legally_BINDING_] name’d as 

“Man Fuk” ↘


Man_Fuk * – example 1 – Man Fuk House ::↘ 

}}} a hk-government-provided housing {{{

… … … …

Man_Fuk_House’s exampling link ,

extract’d from just_above google search_results ::

[PDF] TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN…/chunmancourt_bA.pdf – : PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Cache 

Chun Man Court Man Fuk House (Block A). 1/F-15/F

Man_Fuk * – example 2 – Man Fuk Building ::↘  

… … … …

Man_Fuk_Building’s records @ hk’s government ::

Man_Fuk_Building’s exampling link ,

extract’d from just_above google sarch_results ::

The Land Registry-Index of Owners’ Corporation -Hong Kong and 12 Dec 2011


 … … …

Man_Fuk_Building @ google maps }}} in Chinese native scripts {{{ ::

Man_Fuk * – example_3 – Man Fuk Road Garden ::↘ 

Man_Fuk_Road_Garden’s records @ hk’s government ::

Man_Fuk_Road_Garden’s exampling link ,

extract’d from just_above google search_results ::

Public Pleasure Grounds – Venues where smoking is prohibited, not…/en/index.php?… – 24 Nov 2011 – Ma Tau Wai Service Reservoir Playground.

*. Man Fuk Road Garden. *. Moray Road Children’s Playground. *. Nga Tsin Wai Road Sitting-out 

… … … …

Man_Fuk_Road_Garden @ google maps [ in Chinese native scripts ] ::

Man_Fuk * – example_4 – ManFuk[_human’s_given_name_] ::↘ 

e.g.:: Man-fuk Leung , a famous living Chinese man , see following !;)

… … … …

o yes , there ^is many a real Chinese man[human] , incl – ladies ,

whose all_official given_name , ‘is really sucking as such !;) &,

^the given_name was allmost_allways given by their parents

@ their birth ! 


evidence 1 ::

their records @ hk’s government ::

a example from just_above google search_results 

}}} w/ Chinese native scripts {{{

[PDF] (以下的出席名單所顯示的只是截至擬備該名單時的情況) (The…/hsws1205-alist.pdf –Translate this page File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View 2011年12月5日 – 黃怡女士. Ms WONG Yee. 14. 香港老年學會. Hong Kong Association of Gerontology.

梁萬福醫生. 會長. Dr Edward LEUNG Man-fuk.President 

explanation 1 ::

^the legco @ hk , ‘s just like to Parliament @ UK , etc

explanation 2 ::

“Man-fuk” ‘s given_name , “LEUNG” ‘s family’s_name ,

explanation 3 ::

“Man” at here , stands4 – 10,000 // ten thousand @ Chinese language ,

“fuk”   at here , stands4 – bless//blessing//etc      @ Chinese language

ad ===>>> (here’s_all_free_4_a(ever))) ↘↘↘

get & @ ManFukChina ,

v ^are t’ _ONLY_____ way 4 u to egg//instigate//let *Man*Fuk*China* 100% legally ,

all in accordance w/ China’s law !! let’s share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions,

y not ?,)

v’ll add more for update , stay tuned , thank ye[u]


Open bundled references in tabs:

Short link: please share it , thank ye for-a//for-ay ==> [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] http://✯.ws/~At7eN$7

EunicePatoMay July 22nd, 2012 @ 8:20 pm

to the best o’ our knowledge ,
this article is the best most extensive//extensive’st//extensivest [_online_&_offline_] coverage o’ Man_Fuk Road @ China ,

v’ll do add more to update , stay tuned , thank ye[u]

EunicePatoMay July 22nd, 2012 @ 8:31 pm

1 o’ the best means to prove
whether our_statements_@_above b[be] correct or bull[bulls’t] ,
is to …::
dial phone-#’s listed @ above , e.g.- (852) 2713 9211 ,
ask them ‘some questions … such as ::
………….” ‘r u located @ Man Fuk Road ? ”
………….” why ‘r u so much for Man Fuk ? ”
(((, then , u’d get answers instantly !’,)))

Man Fuk China!! October 22nd, 2012 @ 7:14 pm

>> is t’ _ONLY_____ way
>> 4 u to egg//let ~Man~Fuk~China~
>> 100% legally

in order to let us to avoid any trouble ,
u’s[yous] should only parse “ManFukChina” as *ManFuk, China*

by the way , the `,’ sign is not allowed in any domain_name !,)

Man Fuk China!! October 22nd, 2012 @ 9:05 pm

>> y not share laughters-o’-China to ease current depressions ?,)
>> ………^the best
>> tool => &

mmm , indeed ,
it does not take u to sign up any account @ ,

suggestion ::
just tell your friends(,may_b_your_fiends_as_well,) about here ,
then , all will b o-k , thank ye[u]

by the way ,
there r just too many people , who r just too unhappy !!
so ,
y not cheer them up w/ laughter ?,)
that will certainly make all people[_incl_u_] to bcome happier !!

cheers !,))

Man Fuk China!! October 23rd, 2012 @ 7:56 am

1 o’ our tweets [essence] @ twitter ::

show off your(,=your//you’r,) dazzling daring w/ !

u can forward it to any email-address !

Man Fuk China!! October 23rd, 2012 @ 8:06 am

u want to “`fuk(,=’bless’_in_Chinese_language,)”” China very elegantly & cleanly ,
then // would b your best choice

free !! all 4 free 4 a[ever] !,)

Man Fuk China!! October 23rd, 2012 @ 8:47 am

^the China seem to love the `Fuk’ just very much

evidences ::
esp in hong-kong,China ,
many many a [_all_official_&_formal_] place-name ^is composed o’ `Fuk’ !,)

example 1 – Fuk Wing Street ::

its records @ government o’ hk,China ::

its @ google maps ::

indeed , there ^is “ Fuk Wing Street _Government______ Primary School “” ,
web –
tel – (852)23869426

just 2[too] many 2}to{ list all here !,)

Man Fuk China!! November 11th, 2012 @ 4:34 pm

if u r to say ***some-thing*** ___BACK___ to China ,
then u come 2 ^the right place ,

^the best fun @ here , is –
Chineses must accept all o’ that[_what_i_’v_above_said_] ,
& can’t reject it any little bit !,)
bc – it’s its fact !,))
bc – it’s their own words & 100% legally & legally(bound) !,)))

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faq!!! >>> b}be{ diffrnt !! let's show 'some-thing ___BACK___ to China !! [_it's_in_their_own_universally_official_words_] y not ?? indie or die !! <<<